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Bella Marie Jameson | 2009 - 2020

Bella Marie Jameson

April 10, 2009 – Jan. 3, 2020

Bella Marie Jameson passed away on 1/3/20 after a year-long battle with leukemia.

Bella was beautiful girl, full of life, humor and sweetness. She enjoyed being on the swim team and excelled at backstroke, spent untold hours connecting with friends through social media, disliked math (but excelled at it nonetheless), loved to write and was a very gifted artist. Many friends and family enjoy framed copies of her artwork in their homes, all of which she gifted to them at birthdays and Christmas. Bella was very proud of her artwork and worked on it every day, even as she was fading from her illness.

And Bella was a wonderful daughter and sister, who could make her family laugh with her clever (and always spot-on) observations and antics. When a close family friend brought around their naughty dog and it proceeded to chew up the living room rug, Bella proclaimed to all that the dog was “the bad kind of smart” (this at age 5). The favorite Bella story, however, was when she couldn’t be found and all manner of friends and neighbors were engaged to comb the neighborhood looking for her. After an hour of frantic searching, her brother noticed a light under the pantry door and lo, and behold, there was Bella, devouring a large bowl of fresh figs picked from the backyard tree. She hadn’t wanted to share them, so she hid in the pantry to enjoy them undisturbed. No punishment was doled out, as the relief at finding her unharmed (and well nourished) was so great that all her mother could do was laugh and cry tears of joy.

Bella’s short life burned bright and she will be remembered with deep love by those who have survived her and who knew her best: her mother and father, Catherine and Ben Jameson, her big brother Emmett, her maternal grandparents Larry and Louise Hinton and paternal grandfather Charles Jameson, her aunt and uncle, Ashley and Dave Hinton, and their children and her cousins Trey, Joshua, Essie and Melissa. Bella’s passing was preceded by that of her paternal grandmother Diana Jameson. Bella also leaves behind dear childhood friends: Melissa, Kara, Raley, Dennis and Amber.

In Bella's memory, her parents ask that you donate to the trust established in her name at Proceeds will go to the art program at Bella’s school: Redwood Heights Elementary. Due to Covid-19, funeral services are restricted to immediate family only. Funeral services will be held at the First Unitarian Church of Oakland on January 13, 2020 at 3:30 p.m. Flowers for the service may be ordered through Apple Blossom.



Oct 01, 2021

I miss her so😢😢


Oct 01, 2021

Bella will be in our hearts forever.

Grandma & Grandpa

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